
Planning for changes in the law: what is essential is the definition of 'sustainable development' | Damian Carrington

An aerial view of green belt land in the UKProperty developers have warmly welcomed the proposed changes in the Government planning laws. Photography: David Goddard/Getty Images

Planning Act rare time accelerates the blood of the media. But every day, above and below the Earth, planning decisions are giving way to the country, bringing joy to some and they despair for others.

Publication on Monday of the Government's plans for a radical reform of planning of the United Kingdom - tearing nice lawyer up to 1000 pages and putting in place - only 52 pages was received with coverage of minimum immediate press (including Guardian, Telegraph, BBC excluded).

What of it? Simplification and less work for the lawyers, is a good thing. And as Julian Glover in the guardian (an acute observer of planning laws), Great Britain will have to build if our population growing, aging will have a roof over his head.

But consider these two ministerial takes on the new national policy planning framework (NPPF). First of all, business Secretary Vince Cable, which says that the plans are "sensitive to business" and "an important step forward in the creation of conditions for business start-up, invest, grow and create jobs".

Then Secretary of environment Caroline Spelman. She said that the plans "will give local communities the power to protect green spaces that mean so much to them, but giving the maximum protection to our landscapes treasured national parks and areas of Natural beauty."

Can they talk about the same? The key here is a sentence which did not appear until paragraph 7, of the press release: "a presumption for sustainable development".

"Presumption in favor" means development plans - homes, supermarkets, highways, business premises and so - give green light, unless there is good reason for not doing so. It is a major shift in the balance of decision-making.

So what is essential is what the Government means by "sustainable development". NPPF (p3) project defines the term as follows.

Delivery of sustainable development means for planning system:

? planning of prosperity (an economic function): use the system of planning to build a strong, sensitive and competitive economy, to ensure that there is sufficient land for the right kind and in the right places allow growth and innovation...

? planning for individuals (social role): use the planning system to promote
strong, active and healthy communities by providing a greater supply of
housing to meet the needs of present and future generations...

? planning of places (an environmental role): use the planning system for
protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment, using natural
resources with prudence and to mitigate and adapt to climate change...

This definition, combined with the presumption in favor - feel me weighted to say yes to every building and pretty light on how to avoid adverse events. The bias of the definition of "sustainable development" for short-term gains allow a kind word probe applicable to all types of construction projects.

But we will see that she was satisfied with the plan and that it is not. The Government, rather helpfully, relays the views of the Chairman of the main group of developers, Sir Stuart Lipton - "we are delighted" - and the peace of Liz, Executive Director of the British Federation of property: "will have no problems to our resounding support framework of today." So the constructors are more than happy.

But, the nation, the National Trust's largest landowner. "Planning is for individuals, non-profit," says the director-general, Dame Fiona Reynolds. "This sounds like finally death sentence the principle established in the 1940s used the planning system to protect what is most special in the landscape, creating a tool to promote economic growth in its place."

The campaign to protect rural England are not happy either. Director Executive Shaun Spiers, said: "the new framework will make the field and much less safe from harmful and unnecessary development local character." And the RSPB, the largest group of voluntary membership in United Kingdom, is concerned about too much. Martin Harper, Director of conservation of the RSPB, says: "the planning system is there to represent the interests of the public to the complex decisions, and all of us will fail if one of the factors: economic growth: is higher than any other". (There are many more reaction in the history of my colleague John Vidal news.)

So that the developers are satisfied, that many others are not. That, I think, says all you need to know about the orientation of the new planning regime. Plans are now being consulted until 17 October, so make sure you give your opinion.

PostScript: I wondered what that would mean the NPPF large infrastructure projects, such as new power plants and wind farms needed to clean up our power supply. The answer is not too much, as I find out. Currently, independent infrastructure planning Commission has responsibility for deciding on projects defined by the Government as a national priority. Local communities may object to specific parts of these plans, but not to the overall desirability. Commissioners of CPI then balance these factors and make a judgement. The next changes you will probably see the abolished CPI, but still there will be a process independent of projects regarded as national priorities. The big difference is that a Secretary of State will take the final decision, not a Commissioner CPI.

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French to say au revoir engaged in trees

Plane trees, FranceLogging of these trees of plane 200 years together with the Canal du Midi is seen as a national tragedy. Photography: Travelpix Ltd/Getty Images

If you want to indulge in the shadow of the most beautiful plane trees Motley Europe canapé, go now. It is likely that in 20 years, not one of the 42,000 trees currently stretches along the banks of the Canal du Midi, which meanders from Toulouse to the Mediterranean, will still be standing. An unstoppable fungal disease has left the French State there is no choice but to reach for the chainsaw, get off the roof of leaves covering the most romantic waterway of the nation.

Logging of these trees 200 years is seen as a national tragedy. Cyclists, walkers and shipowners channel was destroyed and local politicians are panic that it revoke the canal Unesco World Heritage status, destroying the tourism. The President, Nicolas Sarkozy, smelling an opportunity to make election campaign, has promised to heal the "sadness" and the trauma and the channel to "Save".

"It is heartbreaking," says Jacques Noisette of Voies Navigables de France, which extends to the waterways.

UNESCO not still threatens to remove the channel their qualifications. But the French authorities must try to quickly can be planted in an avenue of young trees to recreate the magic of a historic canal dating from the reign of the Sun King, Louis XIV.

Two thousand trees along the channel so far have been hit by the microfungus Ceratocystis platani - which came to France via the wooden ammunition boxes contaminated American GIS in World War II. But the disease has been disseminating constantly along the canal since the it was first discovered there in 2006. It extends through the water and perhaps canal for mooring boats and transfer the fungus between the trees.

They should be chopped down and burned diseased trees, but so must the healthy surrounding. At the end of this year, 1,000 trees have been felled. Next year he will go to 4,000 and the axings number will increase steadily each year for more than one decade.

Replanting will begin at the end of this year, with a mixture of new varieties of trees more resistant to disease. But it will take 30 to 40 years to return to planting the famous leafy Lane which runs for more than 200 km for the historic centre of the South of France.

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Conservative, white men most likely climate change skeptics, study shows

Business men in suits shaking handsConservative, white men are more likely to be those who deny climate change, say the researchers. Photograph: Getty

"The more that you think you know more I think you're right," is an old saying. Now comes a study of sex, skin colour or political ideology which suggests that almost sums up how some white male conservatives in the United States respond to climate change.

"Even casual observers" who argue that climate change is not a serious problem "is likely to see an obvious pattern," Aaron M. McCright of the Michigan State University in East Lansing and Riley e. Dunlap, of the State University of Oklahoma at Stillwater instead write environmental Global: "the most prominent denialists are conservative white men" - of media Rush Limbaugh expert politicians as Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe. But the pair wondered: "is there a similar pattern in the American public?"

Namely, the researchers analyzed ten annual surveys on environmental issues carried out by the Gallup Organization from 2001 to 2010. Together, they include responses from more than 10,000 adults. After cut and break up the numbers, the trends are clear: "conservative white men are significantly more likely than other Americans to endorse denialist views", write. And "these differences are even greater for the conservative white men it Autoinforme global understanding of global warming very well".

In general, while 29.6% of conservative white males (CWMs) believes that the effects of global warming "will never happen", only 7.4% of all adults shared that view. Similarly, 58.5 per cent of CWMs, but only 31.5% of all adults, denied that the recent increases in temperature are primarily caused by human activities. The pattern shows that CWMs "are more likely to change for other adults to reject the scientific consensus on climate change", the authors point out. As well, "not surprisingly," 58.8% of CWMs "deny the existence of scientific consensus," compared with 35.5 per cent of other adults.

CWMs also were over twice as likely than other adults to say that the media exaggerated the seriousness of climate change (65.1% to 29.9%). Finally, 39.1% of conservative white males, but only 14.4% of all adults: not worried at all about global warming, he said.

In particular, the researchers say CWMs also used to assert a stronger global warming than other adult understanding - and who says they understand better were more likely to be the strongest deniers. "This, certainly seems untenable self-appraisal," the authors write, "as conservative white men are more likely than other adults to reject the current scientific consensus."

However, previous research, can help to explain the pattern, they speculate. Psychologists and scientists have suggested that WCMs often identify themselves as more risk tolerant and less willing to support ideas that challenge the existing economic, social and political hierarchies.

"The intersection of conservative, 'male' and 'white' is important to explain the distribution of the denial of climate change in the American public," the authors conclude. But "denialism is sufficiently diffuse in the American public that obviously cannot be attributed solely to conservative white men," they say. "What is more serious, especially by the scientific community and the climate change communicators, is the denial of climate change has increased public U.S. between 2001 and 2010, although mainly due to a significant increase in the past two years which may be abnormal in the long term." - David Malakoff

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US eco-activista imprisoned for two years

Tim DeChristopherActivist Tim DeChristopher marks a hero for environmental colleagues and left-wing activists. Photography: Douglas C. Pizac/AP

An activist who became a hero to activists to stop an auction of the Bush administration for the industry of oil and gas with $1. 8 m (£ 1. 1 m) in false bids was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday.

Tim DeChristopher was immediately ordered custody and a fine of $10,000. It has been facing a potential sentence of up to 10 years and a fine of $750,000.

Environmental activists and leftists, actress Daryl Hannah to Naomi Klein, author and filmmaker Michael Moore reported immediately as excessive sentence.

At a vigil outside the Salt Lake City Hall, where he carried out the ruling, supporters of the movement of peaceful civil disobedience uprising of the DeChristopher shouted: "Justice is not here."

As a bidder not 70, DeChristopher interrupted what was seen as a final gift to the oil and gas industry by the Bush administration by bidding $1. 8 m (£ 1. 1 m) did not have the right to drill in remote areas of the State of Utah. He was found guilty of defrauding the Government in March.

In a telephone conversation with The Guardian, a day before the ruling, said he hoped the penalty of imprisonment: "I think that I will serve some time in prison." "That's what I believe to be the next chapter in my life."

DeChristopher lawyers had argued that his actions in December 2008 were single-use, and that the judge must show clemency. They argued that dechristopher had no intent to cause damage.

However, Judge Dee Benson said beliefs the DeChristopher policies does not excuse his actions.

DeChristopher said he had no plan clear when fulfilled at the auction in Salt Lake City, in December 2008.

"" The time I went with a type of direct action of thinking mode of thinking that if I can cause enough delay, stop this action and keep oil in the ground, then that could be worth the effort, he said.

He had come directly from write one of their finals, shaving, and in an old down jacket. "Certainly does not look like someone who was there," said. "Not to be an Executive of oil or anything else".

The federal Bureau of Land Management officials asked if he wanted to bid. DeChristopher said yes, still thinking at that time that he just wanted to shout something or cause a disruption.

But when the auction ended, DeChristopher had driven prices in some plots and winning bids by 14 pieces of land: some of which close to national parks. I knew that he had no money to pay for it.

The administration of Obama later cancelled the majority of sales, due to doubts about the Bush leasing plan.

DeChristopher defense was complicated from the beginning when the judge refused to hear the arguments that had been forced to act, to prevent a greater evil. In this case, the climate change.

But while the argument do not move to the Court, won DeChristopher track on the campus and a greater generation of activists. He also founded a group of civil disobedience, peaceful insurrection.

"Tim is a hero to me," wrote Peter Yarrow, American folk singer and member of Peter, Paul and Mary, in an article in the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday that DeChristopher compared to the leaders of the civil rights movement.

"American history, acts of civil disobedience have led to change." Thinking on the underground railroad helped slaves to freedom, or on the courageous actions of people like Rosa Parks, who refused to stay at the bottom of the bus simply because of her skin color. "Without this kind of challenge unjust laws our country would probably still denied fundamental freedoms to people of color."

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National Trust warns planning changes could cancel field

The green belt(NPPF) national planning policy threatens the green belt, warn environmentalists. Photography: Richard Saker

London green belt could be sacrificed to urban expansion of Los Angeles-style of low economic growth gave radical planning system reforms announced by the Government this week, the National Trust has warned.

3.6 Million member organization expressed its "serious concern" Tuesday by the Government's proposals to cut 1,000 pages of policy planning to only 52 pages in a move that has won the backing of timbre of developers.

Opponents argue that the new draft policy effectively eliminates the national goal of recycling brownfield land and allows local communities to support the building in the green belt. It is set to be the biggest change in the planning system in more than 60 years and guidance notes decreases detailed planning and circulars. Instead, the Government insists that there should be a presumption for "sustainable development" to House a growing population.

(NPPF) national planning policy framework seeks to accelerate and simplify the often complex laws at the same time as encouraging economic growth. In a foreword to the new policy, Greg Clark, the Minister of decentralization, said: "we must accommodate new forms that will earn our living in a competitive world..." "Sustainable development must go forward, without delay".

Fiona Reynolds, director general of the National Trust, warned that the policy could lead to growth that is excessive in the field on a scale not seen since the 1930s.

"The Government's proposals allow financial considerations dominate and this is huge risk in our field, the historic environment and precious local places that people value", said.

"This sounds finally death sentence the principle established in the 1940s used the planning system to protect what is most special landscape."

The new policy was developed with the help of a "consultative group of professionals", whose members include a conservative Councillor, director of the firm of Taylor Wimpey housing construction, a consultant for planning representing major developers at Government level and a staff member of the Royal Society for the protection of birds.

"Through the replacement of more than a thousand pages of national policy with around 50, written clearly and simply are enabling individuals and communities in the planning," said Clark.

But the changes to planning are likely to produce a popular reaction, according to environmentalists. The National Trust is asking its members to sign a petition urging the Ministers to reconsider.

Shaun Spiers, Executive Director of the campaign to protect rural England, said the Government have declared "open season" field not designated as green belt or an area of natural beauty.

"The new framework will make the field and much less safe from harmful and unnecessary development local character," he said. "If it is not changed, there will be battles against the development throughout the country that will make the public revolt against the sale of forests as a tea party."

The campaign for better transport and friends of the Earth have also attacked the plans.

The activists said that if the proposals were not amended could be counterproductive in the Government in the same way that plans to sell the forest estate in England, this year has resulted in an embarrassing turn of 180 degrees.

Ominous for the Government, many of the same groups opposed to the sale of the forest are at the forefront of criticism of the project NPPF, published Monday by the Department for communities and local governments. Most of the groups object has strong representation in constituencies held Tory.

Britain's largest property companies welcomed the proposals, saying it would help boost economic growth and create jobs.

"It is refreshing to have a concise national planning framework which supports and promotes the growth and at the same time protect our heritage," said Francis Salway, Executive Director of land securities.

"Focus on economic growth is very welcome, recognizing also the important role which the planning has to protect the environment," said Chris Grigg, Executive Director of British land. "We welcome the presumption for sustainable development".

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Hey Congress! Hot enough for you?

A mother squirts water to cool off her daughter and beat the heat in WashingtonA mother feels expels water to refresh their daughter playing in a waterfall during hot weather in Washington, DC. Photography: Larry Downing/Reuters

If you've had the pleasure of spending time in our nation's Capitol this week, feel me: is really rough out there. Report local weather on Monday, he said it hit at 95 degrees, but that it felt like 105, but really wasn't need a weatherman to tell me that. Forecast today said will be wanting to 110 and 103 degrees. So it was not a big surprise that the Weather Channel had called only of Washington, one of the six hottest cities.

The links in the history of Meteorologist Jonathan Erdman Mr. who missed a few weeks; It highlights the fact that the heat is the biggest cause of deaths related to the climate at United States. Last month posted a graph of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showing that United States were in pace of record for the number and cost of extreme weather events. There have been 575 deaths of weather events of this year, most of the tornadoes in the Southeast and the Middle West. But the heat still kills more people in the United States in an average year, claiming more than 1,500 lives.

The big problem in DC, of course, is humidity, due to the fact that our fair city was built on a swamp. This is what puts us there with cities such as Laredo, Texas, and Yuma, Arizona, experience more days where the actual temperature reaches or exceeds 100. But while DC normally average 1.2 days of 100 degrees with each year, as the band's Capitol time reported Monday, if hits DC 100 on Tuesday, which will be two for 2011, with plenty of summer left to bear.

We had a nice hot summer, at least. I'm supposed to include the mandatory line that any day or time event cannot be attributed directly to climate change, which are long-term trends that matter, blah blah blah. But if care you to listen to the scientists of the climate, we are in for more days of rising heat in the future, not to mention the heat-related deaths. So perhaps this should serve as a good reminder that climate change has fatal consequences, even if legislative DC residents have not felt particularly inspired to deal with this issue of late.

Justin Kenney, director of communications of the NOAA, provides more information about how hot is via Twitter. According to the Agency, only July has seen 349 maximum heat records broken across the country and bound 320, and we are not even in the middle of month. You can view records of temperature here.

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Pakistan floods: a year - in pictures

Last year floods were the most severe Pakistan has experienced, flooding an area the size of England and the displacement of 11 million people from their homes. The number of affected people, the floods were more devastating earthquake in Kashmir, Haiti earthquake, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean and Hurricane Katrina combined photography: Islamic relief

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Planning: Concrete proposals | Editorial

This week the Government published specific proposals: the unfortunate sentence of a Minister: rewrite the laws of England planning. Using the comforting language of localism and sustainability, the document sets out with a decent ambition: involve people affected by planning decisions in the process of making them. Simplifies a complex system that some argue, is an unnecessary restriction on economic growth. Critics say it threatens disaster for much of the rural England, foreshadowing the spread almost uncontrolled. National policy planning project framework is trapped in the intersection between the communities, the State and the market. The fear is that the latter will triumph.

In the 1930s Britain built its way out of recession. John Betjeman Metroland was the result. There is more than an indication of the new proposals, which have been the subject of conflicting pressures on the Government. Some departments have emphasized the right of the people to decide what is and is not built near their homes that could lead to the development of less, not more. Others, such as the Treasury and the Department of business, under fire from the stagnant pace of economic growth, want to ease restrictions exceptionally close England planning.

One of the reasons why it is a very expensive country to live is the restricted supply of property. There is nothing progressive, in a nation with a growing population on asphyxia in the supply of new homes, which also only enriches individuals who already have the property. And if Cambridge, for example, allowed become a city of science well planned of a million people, more than a small medieval village surrounded by fenland, Great Britain, would certainly be richer in immediate economic terms: but not environmental.

Not everything is bad and not all the green land (is not the same as greenbelt) is sacrosanct. What matters is the process by which decided that the development and where carried out. In this new proposals are inadequate. They have not only been attacked by the campaign to protect Rural England and trust national but also surveyed by the Royal Town Planning Institute. Fears of the past that "economic growth in general is set to win the aspirations of the local population in local plans and district". Talk Cortés of community empowerment and sustainable development can be means very little when it is set against a rich developer.

The fundamental change in the new proposals is that Ministers call for "a presumption for sustainable development". In summary, proposals that meet local plans still ill-defined means (half of the local authorities do not have one) you will get an almost automatic approval. There will be restrictions, especially in national parks and buildings. And local plans, which must comply with the national guidelines, will not allow a battle pitched. But as it stands the proposed planning framework is too weak when it comes to specify how local plans will be developed and applied. It also supports a category plan neighborhood that could allow the development in the opinion of a group of self-appointed local people of dubious origin. To some ears, this sounds like a builders Charter. "Neighborhoods will have the power to promote further development contained in the strategic policy of the local plan," said the proposals.

The Government said is being misunderstood: he wants simpler, cheaper and better development, not more. Perhaps. But the development is something that can not undo and planning should participate as much as stimulus restriction. As things stand, the presumption in favour of sustainable development is going to reward developers neglecting sustainability. The opposite of promised Ministers is needed.

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How can I I 'green-up' my new home?

A couple moving in to a new home A couple to a new home. Photography: Eyecandy images/Alamy

I'm moving house the next month in my first floor by myself. (Fingers crossed: you never know until that the keys are in your hand, etc..) But I really want that all my bills — including phone, broadband, electricity, gas, etc. - to be ethical and environmentally sound. There is a quick solution: a one-stop shop that provides all these services? Or, is it necessary to compare? Also, appreciate any other advice on the configuration of an ethical and ecological House.
I have been researching papermaking effective recycling, composed of windowsill window etc. Any help is really appreciated.

Ed by email

You're right: move gives golden opportunity to question the merits of each utility provider, and then go with that feel best meets their own "ethical and ecological" criteria.

I don't know of a "single window" that provides all the services. But even if there was one, I would like to do my own homework first before deciding. Do not take what they read in a brochure or company's Web site at nominal value: Green is rife in the utilities industry. Put some difficult questions to someone in services to the client in the first place, or seek advice from an independent organization, such as ethical consumer or which?.

This column is an experiment in crowd source question from a reader, so please let us know your opinions, tips and experiences below (unlike an email them). What public service companies have best responded to your questions? How has your House tried 'green'?

They will join with some of my own thoughts and reactions to extent that advances the discussion. It is also to the various stakeholders to participate also debate.

? Please send your own question environment at ask.leo.and.lucy@guardian.co.uk.
Or, Alternatively, message me on Twitter @ LeoHickman

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Wolves: now at our door | Garry Marvin

European gray wolf European Wolf is constantly turning to much of its former range in Western Europe. Photograph: Alamy

For centuries a war against the Lions fought across Europe and beyond, to liberate the land of what was characterized as a vicious killer of livestock - and a creature that emerged from the jungle to attack people. But wolves are now resurfacing in Western Europe.

They have returned to France and, according to pastors, have passed in Greece Albania. In Sweden have sought new territories to strengthen the small town of Norway. Animals in Eastern Europe have come to Germany. And packages of Spaniards and Italians are spreading. A Dutch businessman has bought land in Scotland and announced plans to reintroduce wolves to a country where not been seen for centuries. And migrate: one day could be striated wolves rather than the foxes through trays of Surrey or Kent.

These returns and the "right" to return are a contentious and emotional issue. For some it is an indication of a re-wilding of European landscapes should be celebrated. Others expressed anger that a "ruthless killer" is to be allowed to return to the places that have been except of its predation.

Any other wild animal threatened humans in the ways in which made lobos-ilustrado by the Wolfman monster, which feed on man, woman and child in the popular imagination. This lupophobia: not only a fear, but a deep hatred: back to the time when humans began to live with and dependent on flocks of sheep, goats and, later, cattle. Instead of hunting wild animals, something suitable for carnivores, wolves turned to animals that belonged to and were under the protection of human beings. Characterization of Jesus people evil as rapacious wolves threaten sheep would have been easy to understand in a pastoral society. The Wolf lived with this reputation of debauchery wrong for centuries.

Only since the 20th century environmentalists to challenge the idea that it is right and proper to kill and eliminate wolves. In the 1970s, the Wolf turned in appears as a species in danger of extinction in North America and some parts of Europe, protected from hunting and other forms of killing. In Europe this was pretty hegemonic - up numbers increased and began to migrate in search of new territories.

There is now a new war on wolves: between those who defend their owners return and cattle who believe their fragile livelihoods are at risk. This new war is significant in terms of the biopolitics of living with carnivores. That is what they want from wolves in Europe and why? That is what is trying to stop his revival? If it is important: the ambient or culturally important means: having this powerful Carnivore living freely in Europe, then it is essential to discuss what life with Wolves must or may be.

The scientific commentary on role wolves' in local ecology; Governments provide compensation for the loss of livestock; defenders of promoting the rights of wolves exist; Pastors feel frustrated who suffer the consequences of living with wolves that appear to be sought by the people of the cities is not likely to even see them. These parties rarely meet to discuss their points of view.

The solution is not taxation but dialogue. However firmly based science, conservation projects can never succeed without taking into account the human dimension. Wildlife has to coexist with humans. Put crudely, the scientists seem often frustrated that people don't understand what say it about the realities of wolves; pastors and other farmers feel resentful that foreigners do not want to listen to their traditional knowledge; and agricultural agencies seem to think that compensation for dead animals is payment enough for wolf predation.

And these problems cannot be reduced to Canis lupus: simple, physical Wolf. These are attitudes rooted on the Wolf in all their social, cultural, historical, political, economic and psychological entanglements with human beings.

A French expert has suggested a Parliament for wolves, which brings together all the parties concerned. Debate will only find a way through the wrath of those who seek to sacrifice wolves and passions of those who believe that they should allow to rediscover their place in the European biocultures.

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Our electric road will be Great Britain green car revolution kickstart | Dale Vince

An Ecotricity car charging pointThe point of loading car of ecotricity in Michaelwood M5 services. Photo: Professional images

Today launched the first national freight network for electric cars. This may sound a bit grand, something quite beautifully simple - a series of load jobs installed by Ecotricity in services of Highway across the country. Charging stations for electric cars, are easy to access and free use. That allows drivers of electric cars from Britain to the length and breadth of the country, with all the advantages of pull simply in a motorway service station to the top unit.

Why are we building? After all there are only about 2,000 electric cars on the road today. In fact, is a large part of the reason: the lack of demand.

It is often said that one of the reasons most people don't buy electric cars is the lack of facilities: load, while the reason not built cargo facilities more says that it is because there are not enough people are buying electric cars: Classic things egg and the hen. We are hoping to break this impasse.

Another barrier to the assimilation is "range anxiety": the fear of running out of juice when traveling to any kind of serious distance.

So here is where our network – we hope Britain electric car revolution will help kickstart.

We chose the motorway network for good reason. Emphasis to date, with burden of posts, big cities and centres: I think that it is really where it is needed as a minimum. Car use statistics point to this.

The average in Britain car travels approximately 20 miles a day, a distance that they can sustain more modern electric cars for almost a week without charge. And the majority of car owners have access to private parking (70% apparently) – and are therefore capable of charging at home, at night. Most cars do not need to load, almost every day. It is the longest travel load is needed more.

We have chosen the power of this network is carefully too. Our points will be wind - and in this we are making a serious point. Britain needs to switch to electric cars as fast as possible, but that alone is not enough. Where does the electricity is of vital importance. Electric cars must run on renewable sources of energy, the energy of the wind and the Sun - only then be done full zero potential emissions from driving.

And we can do as a nation? Can you manage all wind-powered electric cars? The Statistics say so.

There are about 28 m cars on the roads of Great Britain, 150bn driving miles a year, burning about 20 million tons of oil and producing 70 million tonnes of CO2 (12 per cent of the total of our emissions). Incredible numbers, but we could power all that with only about 10,000 of today's wind turbines and 5,000 tomorrow (which double in size every few years).

Can the grid take? It should an increase in electricity online through the grid of 12%, much less that many people think that. And context, before the credit crunch, delivery of grid electricity grew around 3% per year (for what they are talking about normal growth in four years only for cars all of United Kingdom). And the majority of load will take place at night, at times of low demand. The grid can easily cope, in fact if Great Britain changed to electric vehicles that the network operates more efficiently.

And this. One of the truly revolutionary aspects of electric cars is that we can be our own oil companies: we can make our own electricity - and our own car of food. A typical 5 kW rooftop solar system, for example, could provide some 5,000 miles of driving for a year, free of pollution (and fuel duty).

Before this, perhaps in due course, "anxiety" about electric cars will increase from motorists to oil companies.

? Dale Vince is the founder of the Ecotricity green energy company

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National parks of Canada: Hollywood beauties beautiful beasts - images

During the 1880s, railway workers stumbled with a cave of hot springs in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta. When her sewing attempted commerically exploit the springs - known to First Nations people, Canadian Government stepped in and created the first Canada, Banff National Park in 1885. Soon, as Banff Springs luxury hotels were built to attract visitors. 'If we not cannot export the landscape, to import the tourists', said a rail head. Canada Park was created in 1911 for the small number of national parks - such as Banff - under the direction of Government photo: Park of Canada

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SRP always looking for ways to use media
Did "Video News Releases (VNR) for years
VNRs are very expensive-quality has to be broadccast
Not profitable
A done to design a doctor was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars
"Will it blend" videos costs almost nothing-a few hundred dollars; Take a look at them on YouTube, seen by millions of people
InterContinental interviewed its Gatehouse-cost very little
Flip Video-US $ 229 to release HD-http://www.theflip.com/

Technorati Tags: PR, online videos, VNR

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Plantwatch: a great year for wild flowers

This has been a fantastic year for wild flowers and for anyone driving holiday is well worth stopping to look at on the banks of the road, where the plants are impressive. Now is the time for the towering peaks of Digital purple and pink rosebay Sauce-hierba. The vines are also filled with flowers, and the heavenly scent of honeysuckle fills the air overnight in hedgerows.

Snowdrops, another plant plant in flower, it is the curse of gardeners, straining to everything that stems can turn around and sinking rhizomes so deep that almost impossible to excavate fully. But trumpet-shaped flowers make a dramatic splash wherever the disruption; If these flowers close during the day, usually a sign that the rain is on its way. The Scarlet Pimpernel also makes the same weather information, which he earned the nickname of "the poor man time glass".

The ragworts are yellow flowers as daisy, but have a darker side. Its flowers are highly poisonous to cattle, horses, pigs and chickens, and even dead grass plants are still poisonous, although won find them immensely attractive to eat. All the grass species are toxic, including the grass of Oxford. This famous was brought from Mount Etna and planted in the gardens of the University of Oxford; seeds trips to Oxford railway station and then widely spread along railway lines, a good substitute for rocks natives of ballast.

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FeedBurner to Google migration

[What is this?]


Google ordered all Feedburner accounts to be moved to Google and accessed with a Google account login.

This video shows how to make the change.

Technorati Tags: feedburner, google, migration, rss metrics

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PRESSfeed toolbar demo

Sorry, I couldn't read it fromt the content on this page.

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PR without newspapers

[What is this?]


Newspapers continue to shrink and disappear.

In the past, PR professionals have used newspapers as an important decision of your message. But if the newspapers are not there, what you do "public relations" with?

Technorati Tags: pr, newspaper

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Socialize your content with News Feeds (RSS)

[What is this?]


Using news feeds in your content can improve the way that broadcast their messages in networks and social media sites.

Learn how RSS (news feeds) interact with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Social media is all about sharing content. To have your news content distribution to the next level to make it easier for people who use the social web to save and share your content.

Learn more about RSS feeds in this tutorial

If you need help implementing feeds in your essay called Mary Anderson 626 793 4911

Technorati Tags: News, rss feeds, social media, social networking

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Learn how to optimize Press Releases

Sorry, I couldn't read it fromt the content on this page.

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Get found in videos

[What is this?]


Universal search
PR people need to be interested in research
Video can get easily found on search engines
YouTube second largest search engine

Technorati Tags: videos, seo, pr

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Online press rooms

[What is this?]


Journalists using online tools more
Jakob Nielsen says that there are still problems with press rooms online or measurement rooms
That is a disaster if a journalist looks at its press room and unable to use it and leaves
Bulldog says PR people using social media more
Journalists using RSS more-20% read RSS feeds
50% of journalists Alomost online subscribe feeds 5 or more

Go to proactive blog and read about what they want journalits
Put news in a feed (Charlene Li-put your press releases in a feed)

Technorati Tags: news room, press room, press room, social media, journalists, RSS

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Socialize your content with News Feeds (RSS)

[What is this?]


Using news feeds in your content can improve the way that broadcast their messages in networks and social media sites.

Learn how RSS (news feeds) interact with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Social media is all about sharing content. To have your news content distribution to the next level to make it easier for people who use the social web to save and share your content.

Learn more about RSS feeds in this tutorial

If you need help implementing feeds in your essay called Mary Anderson 626 793 4911

Technorati Tags: News, rss feeds, social media, social networking

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Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Weatherwatch: Sahara dust

Athens in a cloud of Saharan dustThe Hill of the Acropolis, Athens, hazed by a huge cloud of Saharan dust that covered the city in the spring of 2008. Photography: Simela Pantzartzi/EPA

It was the height of the happy 60s and papers were full of strange stories, but the events of July 1, 1968 were weirder than usual. A sweltering summer heat wave finally ended as a depression swept the South of Britain, bringing rain and cooler conditions. But the nature of the rain caused people to take a second look: instead of the usual things transparent, he is of red brick. After the rain stopped, came another big surprise: every available surface was covered with a thin layer of sand, varying in colour from red through Orange to yellow.

This was the most extreme example of engraving of a quite regular phenomenon: the fall of "Dust of the Sahara". This occurs when the sandstorms in North Africa pushing sand into the atmosphere, that it is, then northward by wind until fall, usually along with rain, here in Britain, 1500 kilometers to the North. In 1984, there were declines in the Sahara dust until the middle of November, during a warm spell Friday when temperatures reached 19 C. These southern winds brought another surprise: four pale Swifts, the paler version of our own visitor summer family, they were spotted by birdwatchers in scattered places in Wales to Kent. As air feeders, pale Swifts had been caught up in the same airflow as the sand. Before this multiple unusual sighting, there were only two records of this species in North Africa in Great Britain.

View the original article here

Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here


Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Re: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers - Disrupting sellers

Internet continues to change the power - Away people of the institutions. Four years ago, I had the luck of meeting with one of the fathers of God of the internet industry, estimated Doc Searls should know their contributions to the book the Cluetrain Manifesto. Doc invited me to the think tank uber, Harvard Berkman Center that focuses on how internet affects society and. During lunch, Doc shared with me their afflictions of how each healthcare services provider (PPO physician and the pharmacist there) he lacked any skills of complete data records, or how sales people would contact him when he was not ready to buy.

Understanding VRM systems
Thus began to explain about management of relationships with suppliers (VRM) systems are designed to put buyers and people in power over the institutions. What is a VRM system? It is a continuing trend in the area of business development that puts the power in the hands of the people: allow anon to submit offers to sellers to buyers and sellers of forces to bid for business based on the terms that buyers want to. No more intrusive sales calls must be accepted, no more spam has to be reviewed and allows buyers to force quickly suppliers bid against each other in real time - dropping prices also accelerate the sales process.

In a nutshell: VRM systems put the power in the hands of buyers, forcing sellers in its process and change the power of retailers.

Consumer gets space precursor VRM principles
A year later, I made some predictions to my former employer that we begin to see VRM systems appearing and while we were directionally correct, slower than predicted, but now, we are continuing growth occurred. It has been several years since he has predicted the VRM space to grow, and we are now seeing movement. First of all in the space of master of the House, we are already seeing red lighthouse, FindaPro, and in some way, Angie list that enables home owners put a quote request innovative and military premises. But unlike a "list of wanted' in Craigslist, these systems are designed to implement the buyer control, allowing a systematic process to emerge to allow the buyer order and organize citations quickly, not only be flooded with a variety of vendors.

For the it community, Spiceworks launches a VRM, called "sdp"
Fast forward to today, I reported a few weeks ago as a customer of the altimeter (read our page of disclosure on how and why to reveal) the growing community of TI Spiceworks is the launch of the first (or one of the first) examples of VRM for the it industry. This allows members of the Community (buyers of it) to use the request for quote (SP) to identify products that lower cost (such as laptops, ink printer and other commodities) need to buy in its process of SDP, and anon can send quotes to sellers, who then bidding. There are four areas of key feature for buyers including: anonymous requests cited, this allows buyers to avoid getting broadcast outside the channels they don't want, putting the power in the hands of buyers, secondly, SDP provides multi-vendor support by any provider that wants to take advantage of this channel can. Finally RFQ templates provide a way for buyers keep their RFPs, and then share and learn from other buyers.

That means:

Buyers exercising control over the shopping space - potentially reducing margins. While this system is currently offer for low tech goods cost (implementations from you for several years not expensive) that this trend will continue until the stack and then in other markets of the company, like facilities, goods and sales of marketing operations.However savvy vendors could benefit by the rationalization of friction in the processing of sales - reducing sales costs. Although there has been a continuing shift towards buyers and people of internet technologies, more experienced sellers can take advantage of the perspectives that are at stages of consideration and the intention of findingvendors and suppliers of it sales resources should be allocated to monitor and manage. It is key that the sales team assigned to a sales operations and appropriate sales representatives to monitor these channels, respond quickly and evaluate requests for adequate equipment.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 6: 40 am and is filed in media of Social communication, VRM. You can follow responses to this entry through RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Country diary: Wenlock Edge

field vole microtus agrestis' A field Vole, running as fast as his legs could shortly carry it down the Canal, on a mission through a world of danger.' Photograph: Hugo Wilcox / photo Natura/Getty Images/Minden Pictures RM

The day was a dazzler, hot against the skin to sunlight scratchy raking the thick green July. As weakened overnight cooling paths with sky cleared, seen through dark and pointed tracery of the ash tree leaves.

Bands of swallows and house martins came together bass on wheat fields. Swooping, flicker low, the whiskers of a previous mosquito spiny seeds had grabbed a rare day of full sun to medium mature, birds have a call to close one to the other. Their gossip natterings filled the air; they were excited and full of energy, nervous and rebellious. The Swifts were off terrorizing some other sky and most other birds were closing themselves in the shadows. The swallows and martins ran around the light in a corner of the field until scarpered too to where it is during the night.

A white cat looked lane: "fine love and barley", as the Japanese poet Basho say - and slipped into the coverage of rabbit shuffled. From direction became a field Vole, running as fast as his legs shortly could take it down outside, primitive in lots of duff, definitely on a mission through a world of danger compilation. A field with a hedge of high ran a wire fence; a willow Warbler perched on a post of calls soft as sneezing that twitched his entire body. As he walked toward his position, the Warbler could fly to another and sneezing, maintenance of this for the length of the fence. I've seen robins doing exactly the same here.

Beyond of the sphere Orange street lights sparkled in Wenlock and bats appeared. They came so close, that I could hear the thrum of wings is stretched so thin that the last glow of the sky shone through them. With spirited energy as the martins, bat flickered to my about owls pronounces their own night and then the vole.

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'Africa can feed the world' | Mark Tran

MDG : International Fund for Agricultural Development president Kanayo NwanzeKanayo Nwanze in a visit to China last week. At the Conference of FAO in Rome, said that Africa could repeat the success of farmers in China, which also suffered frequent droughts. Photography: Park Ji-Hwan/AFP/Getty Images

Africa can feed not only himself, but the world is a bold statement to make at a time when famine looming over part of the continent.

But this is precisely the demand made by Kanayo Nwanze, President of the International Fund for agricultural development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations. Nwanze gave a forceful intervention in emergency meeting on Monday in Rome to discuss the crisis in East Africa, where, according to the UN, some 11.6 million people need humanitarian assistance in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.

Nwanze drew a sharp contrast between Gansu province in Northwestern China and parts of Africa who can not feed. He said as many parts of the world, Gansu suffers from frequent droughts, limited water for irrigation and severe erosion. Even though the climate and the harsh environment, the programme area of Gansu farmers are feeding and increase their income.

"I met a farmer whose incomes have risen only 2 (£ 1.20) per day in 2006 to $35 a day last year", he exclaimed.

So when asked why this could be done in China but not in Africa, Nwanze said the vital difference political era of the Government.

"What I saw in Gansu was the result of the policy of the Government to invest in rural areas and reduce the gap between the rural and the urban and curb the migration," said in a telephone interview. "You have a very hard environment, it has only 300 millimeters of rain a year, compared to the Sahel to get 400-600 mm, but the Government has invested in roads and electricity." We are a community ready to transform their lives for rainwater harvesting, using biogas, slopes terraces in the mountains. "There are cultures, earned, are vegetables, wheat and maize cultivation and income generation that allow you to build resistance."

While Somalia is a worse, still Nwanze, Ethiopia and Djibouti has been a lack of investment in the long term which makes them vulnerable to climate change. "Not enough to wait for disaster to act crisis." The rains will fail again, but Governments have not invested in the capacity of populations to resist drought.

Nwanze argues that Africa is facing the consequences of decades of neglecting agriculture, a fault found with aid donors and African Governments.

"There was a change in the paradigm of the agriculture industrialization," he said. "Is good, but not to the extent that neglect food and now face the consequences." Even where farming practices has been seen as the occupation of a poor man. "It is not as an attractive profession."

The figures backup you. In the mid 1990s, ODA for global development to agriculture reached $20 billion before decline to $endowed in a early 2000. It is slow upward again, reaching $9bn in 2009. In a recent report, one advocacy group, gave two reasons for the decline: complacency for food production in the world after the dramatic improvement in the production of food in Asia and Latin America and the doctrine of development stressed developing countries dismantle State and State enterprises including agricultural research during the 1960s and 1970s.

But after decades of neglect, agriculture is fashionable again in development circles. Posts by the increase in food prices worldwide in 2009, the g-8 group of rich countries and other donors committed to provide $22bn of funds for agriculture and food security. Donors have some ground to fulfill those promises in the agreed deadline of three years, but agriculture is firmly on the international agenda. In June, Ministers of Agriculture of the G20 agreed to a plan of action in Paris, which reiterated their commitment to the promise of 2009 L'Aquila and cited the importance of small farmers.

Nwanze, who welcomed the plan of Action considers that small farmers as the great hope of Africa. Agriculture, mainly on a small scale, represents approximately 30% of the GDP and at least 40% of the value of exports from sub-Saharan Africa. In a number of small countries in Africa, agriculture plays a more important role, representing 80 per cent or more of export earnings.

The President of IFAD said that Africa could easily increase the use of fertiliser without impact on the environment, because the current usage is so low. And cited the possibility of increasing irrigation: only 7% of the land in Africa is irrigated, compared with more than 30% of the land in Asia and the possibilities of farmers using improved seed varieties which would considerably increase the productivity.

If this sounds circular in the sky, Nwanze cites a number of countries that are experiencing success focusing on agriculture, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ghana - whose Governments, assisted by the private sector, have made a great commitment to agriculture. "The potential is enormous, said Nwanze.""With a small investment, Africa can feed and has the potential to feed the world".

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Country diary: Lakes

Hartsop Dodd "There is a green hill far away..." Hartsop Dodd by Kirkstone Pass. Photography: Tony Greenbank the Guardian

The circus of the hills which dominate the village of Hartsop is best approach to Kirkstone Pass to Tonbridge. Ahead, through the windshield, a horseshoe Mountain looms closer attention with every roll of the wheel. Tantalizing hints of Grey Pe?a, Pe?a Thornthwaite, Threshthwaite mouth, Raven Pe?a Cauldale Moor which all have their glorious moments up directly in front of you planning to Hartsop Dodd, a peak of such perfection that captive hearts.

Even in the same way you can break too. The Hartsop round is higher and further away from what it seems. That you would think, looking up to the green hill of Hartsop Dodd beck below, accumulated over its horizon resulting height is greater than the highest mountain in England? Experienced climber, maybe. But each of those who will be this horizon of gaze down the length of Ullswater, the beauty of these hills will attract much more not so blooded.

I mistakenly bite more than I can chew when trying to climb the Dodd of the pens of sheep then impregnated by the smell of sheep, but only full dip two-thirds of the rise prior to an appearance of Achilles tendinitis forces a retreat. Then - as if seen from the window of an airplane seat to land: forests and fields and Ullswater gunbarrel grey, disappear around a curve in the hills. A variety of sheep that are called trods, created by sheep fell agile, and negotiate a very steep hill it seems can be prepared toboggan on the roofs of slate of housing below.

Arriving at the car park below the my spirit level bubble returns dead (Center), its base alcoholic suggesting refresh. No such luck for this course hill Hesperus, however, with a cup of Earl Grey in the Inn where it is believed that William Wordsworth first heard the news that he had been earned Trafalgar.

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Time: Worst winter storms in Perth

Flooding in Manila elementary schoolFilipino students return to school after a break in the middle of the floods in the city of Malabon, West of Manila, Philippines this week. Photography: Rolex of Pe?a/EPA

Southwest Australia, including Perth, was hit by one of its worst storm so far this winter on Wednesday last week. A strong cold front swept through the area about 7.30 am, strong winds and heavy rains. A gust of 57 km/h took place at Swanbourne, located on the coast, with 45 mph recorded at Perth Airport. However, damage to more than 30 houses in the vicinity of Waroona, bursts were calculated that they have reached 78 mph.

After more than 30 deaths, flooding and destruction across Luzon in the Northern Philippines early last week, tropical storm Nock-Ten continued towards the Northwest and South hit China on Friday afternoon. Nock-Ten made landfall on the city of Wenchang, in the province of southern China Hainan. In the West of Hainan Dongfang recorded 141 mm of rain on Friday, accompanied by winds of up to 63 kilometers per hour. Eastern made Nock-Ten most powerful storm to hit China this year.

With a system of high pressure near by, much of Eastern Europe had a spell hot last week. This instigated heat development thunder-storm on Thursday, with 51 mm of rain fall in Aluksne, Latvia, 12 hours until 9 pm. Also on Thursday, the temperature in Moscow reached 33.8 (c), almost 10 degrees above the average for this time of year. However, there was an end to this dominant high pressure on Friday as a cold front sweeping, put in a little more fresh air.

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