It was the height of the happy 60s and papers were full of strange stories, but the events of July 1, 1968 were weirder than usual. A sweltering summer heat wave finally ended as a depression swept the South of Britain, bringing rain and cooler conditions. But the nature of the rain caused people to take a second look: instead of the usual things transparent, he is of red brick. After the rain stopped, came another big surprise: every available surface was covered with a thin layer of sand, varying in colour from red through Orange to yellow.
This was the most extreme example of engraving of a quite regular phenomenon: the fall of "Dust of the Sahara". This occurs when the sandstorms in North Africa pushing sand into the atmosphere, that it is, then northward by wind until fall, usually along with rain, here in Britain, 1500 kilometers to the North. In 1984, there were declines in the Sahara dust until the middle of November, during a warm spell Friday when temperatures reached 19 C. These southern winds brought another surprise: four pale Swifts, the paler version of our own visitor summer family, they were spotted by birdwatchers in scattered places in Wales to Kent. As air feeders, pale Swifts had been caught up in the same airflow as the sand. Before this multiple unusual sighting, there were only two records of this species in North Africa in Great Britain.