I'm moving house the next month in my first floor by myself. (Fingers crossed: you never know until that the keys are in your hand, etc..) But I really want that all my bills — including phone, broadband, electricity, gas, etc. - to be ethical and environmentally sound. There is a quick solution: a one-stop shop that provides all these services? Or, is it necessary to compare? Also, appreciate any other advice on the configuration of an ethical and ecological House.
I have been researching papermaking effective recycling, composed of windowsill window etc. Any help is really appreciated.
Ed by email
You're right: move gives golden opportunity to question the merits of each utility provider, and then go with that feel best meets their own "ethical and ecological" criteria.
I don't know of a "single window" that provides all the services. But even if there was one, I would like to do my own homework first before deciding. Do not take what they read in a brochure or company's Web site at nominal value: Green is rife in the utilities industry. Put some difficult questions to someone in services to the client in the first place, or seek advice from an independent organization, such as ethical consumer or which?.
This column is an experiment in crowd source question from a reader, so please let us know your opinions, tips and experiences below (unlike an email them). What public service companies have best responded to your questions? How has your House tried 'green'?
They will join with some of my own thoughts and reactions to extent that advances the discussion. It is also to the various stakeholders to participate also debate.
? Please send your own question environment at ask.leo.and.lucy@guardian.co.uk.
Or, Alternatively, message me on Twitter @ LeoHickman