It is more colorful final lunchtime drinking den in the city. Extensive beds in the center of the Botanic gardens offer an arc iris of opportunity, but the bees are selective tipplers. Shun bright oranges and yellows of the blue end of the spectrum, making a beeline for plants as the Echinops spiky pompommed.
For some time I sat between a large stand of lavender, attracted by the smell and sight, intoxicated by the activity of insect. Cost me a bit to realize there are clear patterns between seemingly random collection. Bumblebees Buff tail are crawlers pub dilettante here: down to below a quick pass out again, full-bodied and impatient. Red-tailed bumblebees are drinkers the session, contained in a single place, draining every flower on its nectar.
One suspended near slowly climbing flower in bloom. It extends its proboscis, the glossy black spike texture of plastic in the form of a miniature cow horn and sinks deep sup between the petals. She lifts her head outside and look into your eyes: large dark bands as shades of rapper, a vivid lines lattice grid reminds me that it is not two eyes but a composite of many. He draws his body across his face as if they were hairy wipers. After each survey, you have to perform this cleaning action.
The bees are more numerous that face hides of lavender. They are like Blue tits in a feeder, more mobile, more acrobatic than bumblebees, deposit as the tip of flowers. Finally, my eyes lose their close approach and I hope beyond, on the grass that has been allowed to grow much. In the back, above the summits of the Prairie, Tower of beehives are blocks of wood. The newly acquired jar garden botanical of honey in my bag will be a reminder of sweet winter of summer at the bar.