The production of our newspapers is a world of our digital operations, involving the sending of paper, the sites need large-scale printing and distribution in all the United Kingdom through road transport.
In the heart of this operation are our own printing two sites in Manchester and Stratford, East London. The sustainability of the site is all about efficiency and maximize revenues through effective management systems. Both have seen reductions in energy, natural resources and hazardous materials through a systematic approach for monitoring, planning, testing and implementation.
Given that already booted the fruit under suspension, improvements in the future are likely dependent on the identification of points of activation to optimize the use of equipment in the production process and the most intelligent use of surveillance and control. An example is to examine the most effective point for power power-ups and downs when there is no print run or loaded work.
In the last financial year end in March 2011, energy Guardian centres of printing (GPC) and water in terms of total reduction efficiency and by newspaper copied measures. The total emissions fell by 6 per cent or 376 tCO2 in the sites of printing, which follows a reduction of 26 per cent the previous year.
With newspaper sales fall in year is more difficult to reduce emissions per copy due to requirements of load of energy fixed, such as lighting, heating and water treatment. Print sites, have therefore done an outstanding job to reduce emissions by 3.6 per cent per copy.
Emissions by 2010 in the London site copy was 16.6gCO2 compared to 17.2gCO2 in 2009 and Manchester 21.3gCO2 in 2010, compared with gCO2 22.1 in 2009. This establishes performance in line to meet the goals set by the GPC of 12 g a copy to London and Manchester 20 g per copy. Copy emissions are lower in London due to economies of scale as it is printed more than twice the volume of Manchester.
The GPC achieved reductions of real water of 14% or 100,000 liters in both places between 2009/10 and 2010/11. Reductions per copy of 2.5% in London and 9.3% in Manchester were made possible by a reduction of losses and improve the efficiency of the process of cleaning and deployment of PIR sensors in the toilets.
Both printing sites also significantly reduce the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in our printing process by eliminating the use of solvents in the press in the cleaning process. VOC is dangerous for humans and the environment.
Not only means to reduce consumption and the processing and disposal of hazardous products, but also reduces our legislative responsibility and costs. Both places have worked hard in recent years to improve its environmental performance, helped by the creation of a joint management structure.
All waste including the management of hazardous wastes are controlled through our environmental systems and administration of certificates ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001. Administrators of safety and health in both places that we have the commitment to these standards, however, is the commitment and the responsibility of all staff at the printing sites which are still compatible with and minimize our impact on the planet. Below are some key projects:
A case of business for a new gas boiler has been approved for the GPC in Manchester. The boiler will replace a 23 year viejo-planta operates in 48% of efficiency. The new system will provide heating greater control and flexibility of 0.8oC to ?12 and it is estimated that 88% efficiency. Scheduled to be installed in 2011/12.
Free cooling has been introduced in the printing process of the GPC in London through the use of outdoor air temperature. Cooling switches automatically to the fresh air when the ambient temperature is it sufficiently low to deny the use of compressor and evaporator circuits.
A period of consultation and review is underway to optimize the printing site heating capabilities. Winters have very pointed out the weaknesses of our heat pump air-conditioning system. Door air curtains have reduced the loss of heat in the winter, but still require greater automation. Supply of hot water to several hand basins is under consideration.
Both printing sites are looking for opportunities to reduce the use of resources in the process of printing, as well as ensure currently unavoidable waste is segregated and recycled. Additional impetus is the money that can be made from waste of printing paper, chemicals, aluminum printing plates, given that the prices of basic commodities in the world are increasing dramatically.
Work with one of our paper, Palm paper suppliers, we have established a system of closed circuit where our pre and post processing waste paper in the new document.
Printing of Manchester site was awarded ISO14001 certification in 2010/11, demonstrating their environmental management processes. Both printing sites are now accredited to this standard. Now that they are accredited in both places we're planning to put the two sites under the same certification by having unified management system controls.
Manchester and London GPC have installed meeting smarting at the sites of energy and water.
Print sites have improved maintenance and reliability of the system used in the printing sites to clean the rollers and blankets of detritus of dirt, ink and paper. Each failure dumps all the water in the system and require another complete washing sequence.
Our Department of circulation (PDC) and the distribution of printing have focused on dealing with an important gap in our carbon footprint. Committed to our contract PDC magazine printers (Polestar) and distribution of paper (CEVA) providers to improve the collection of data and gain a better understanding of their contribution to our carbon footprint.
For example, CEVA that transport by road of our newspapers of the GPC to wholesalers in the United Kingdom calculate emissions of carbon on a quarterly basis. This was based on the miles per gallon for each class of vehicle used for each route and the proportion of the burden to deliveries of GNM. These emissions fell 3% to tCO2 1154 in the final exercise of March 2011, or 4% of our carbon footprint.
Now we begin to investigate the emissions associated with trade wholesale and distribution retail and help to reduce emissions.