While eri social networking, Facebooking and Twittering new Web has moved the market most influential demographic. Call it Web 4.0 or whatever you like; the new website is based on video. And we're not talking about the efforts made in house, cranked on your camcorder and laptop; We're talking about professional video. Yes, Martha, the bar has been raised, and if you want to compete better get your act together. I have this sermon preaching for years, but it seems like finally the rest of the market has finally hit the Web. If you don't believe me, read post by Erick Hachenburg "Drivers of today's entertainment are Watching Video Online in blogs by MediaPost's Online Video Insider" (http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=133670&lfe=1).
Hachenburg writes:
"We are in the midst of a fundamental change in which everything we know on content sites is changing. Just like the television quickly rose to dominance in the world of traditional media, online video is now on the rise to dominance in the world of digital media. Increasingly, the Web is about video — not the text, not images.
Video is an intrinsically powerful way to tell a story. This, of course, also makes it an effective way to communicate an advertising message. It is an entertainment value and emotional appeal.
… The new 2010 Magid Media Futures study, conducted by Frank n. Magid Associates, reveals some important insights today driver Entertainment, consumer behavior and preferences in online video, and mixed the reasons marketing brand should consider an important part of their online video media.
… So what does this all add up to marketing today? An important step in the way that connect with influential consumers that define pop culture and media consumption patterns across demographics impact. Drivers of entertainment today consider online video a primary form of entertainment, making it an integral part of the marketing mix for brand advertisers. "
If you are serious about turning your website into a successful new media then it's time to get serious about Web video content. It's better to be a little ahead of the curve than I moved your way in Chapter 11
Jerry Bader of MRPwebmedia is Senior Partner, a website design and marketing company that specializes in Web Marketing campaigns-video and Video websites. Visit http://www.mrpwebmedia.com/ads, http://www.136words.com and http://www.sonicpersonality.com. Contact at info@mrpwebmedia.com or by telephone (905) 764-1246.
Tags: branding, content, entertainment, video, Web Marketing, sales, websites