Despite the sky gloomy for much of the country this summer, Britain has boomed Sun - solar energy capacity has increased by more than 18 since the last year as homeowners and businesses rush to take advantage of subsidies.
From April to June this year, nearly 34 megawatts (MW) of new solar generation capacity added to the UK grid - the largest number in a single room, what the total capacity of United Kingdom to almost 122MW. This represented more than 14,500 new facilities in the last quarter alone, compared with the total capacity of United Kingdom of 2,700 only solar panel systems in use at the end of March 2010, according to figures just released from the Department of energy and climate change.
New feed in tariffs (Fits) Government have fueled the boom, making photovoltaic panels an attractive for investment as the owners receive a steady stream of income for the energy they produce, as well as use to offset their energy bills.
However, the boom is in danger of waver in the coming months, as the changes in the rates of food start to bite. Larger farms or parks face solar sharp reductions in available subsidies, the Ministers decided to restrict most of the funding to small installations, such as households and small businesses.
The changes - entry into force of the August 1 - mean that large facilities, rather than the capacity of 50 kilowatts (kW), enough to cover a large field, around 20 houses and a typical school - you will lose the higher subsidy rate and be only one lower tariff that some developers say that it is not enough to make them economically viable. Projects completed before Monday will continue to qualify for the highest rate, at least until the next review, offer companies an enormous incentive to build more quickly.
Solar experts say that developers hoping to build large facilities have been launched to install their systems before the deadline next Monday. Octopus investments said it had funded the installation of 11 sites of solar energy on a grand scale in England before the deadline, through its partner of renewable energy from light source, which has installed some 118,000 solar panels that should deliver a hours 26 gigawatt of energy annually - enough to power 7,400 houses. All sites qualify for the adjustment to the rates of the original. Paul Latham Octopus said: when moved the date limit of rating is adjusted, posed some important challenges and there was much sadness among developers and providers of funds." "Our approach was to look at what could be built within the deadline to qualify for the program."
Installers have had to speed up work: EOS energy managed to install a 3 million pounds 1. 15MW solar farm - one of the largest in the Southwest - Hendra holiday park near Newquay in just seven weeks to the deadline.
Gehrlicher Solar connected your project near Plymouth. The Langage Solar park, developed with the power of Carlton, is even greater at 100 kW.
Some companies have managed to obtain a temporary respite, of type. A gap in the media of regulations that can add facilities than kW connected prior to August 1 - who are eligible for the highest tariff - for up to a year later, with the arrangements of disks additional also be eligible for the highest tariff, at least until the regulation can be amended. This has led to a rush of developers trying to so many projects more complete kW possible next week, in order to add more panels in more free time after the deadline on Monday.
However, companies are reluctant to own up to this to avoid the wrath of the Ministers, who have tried to close the loophole.
The deadline has also stimulated the development of projects SMEs - larger than the roof of the House but less than the line point. In Cornwall, the charity of the energy community, and on Thursday announced a Fund of £ 20 million to help more than 300 local organizations - including schools, charitable organizations, farms - to install solar panels and buildings of the community. The charity estimates that eligible buildings could save up to £ 7,000 per year on their bills for energy if you use all the energy generated, or an income of £ 2,400 annually for export to the national grid.
Neil Farrington Energy Community said: "we have developed this scheme in response to the challenge faced by many non-commercial organizations put their own projects of renewable energy in the ground." "Many lack of the initial investment to buy an absolute winner system but also of the limitations of a ceiling rental offerings."
In addition, feed in tariffs are not the only factor driving the United Kingdom boom - the price of solar panels has plummeted, making it more attractive, the investment and the costs of the facilities are also down. HSBC estimates that the cost of solar cells - the key component in the panels - has fallen by 70 per cent from September 2008.
This downward trend could mean high rates of installation of solar panels in the last few months to continue beyond of the mini-boom created by changes to the regulations of the Fit.