Are you struggling to find monetary support to buy materials for your classroom? Often you spend your own money to make sure that students do not go without the resources they need to learn? is a nonprofit organization throughout the country that connects teachers in need with the general public who wish to donate money to meet the needs. Since September 2010 Washington State residents have donated $ $522,296 to help the 29.874 students. Fourteen schools in the Seattle School District are currently using this feature.? Teachers can ask centralized student materials and resources such as carpets, wireless headphones, netbooks, digital cameras, books, magazines, book, pencil and discovery kits. You can also ask for support for visitors of classroom and field trips.
To get this process started, a public school teacher full-time librarian, guidance counselor, or nurse of the school sends a project related to any subject area to Then public donors consult general online and choose a classroom project to donate money to. ? then provides the centralized student materials to school. Finally, students send thanks to the materials, visitor to classroom or field trip using photos, notes and letters back to and they will forward the messages to the private donors. For more information, go to
2011年7月18日星期一 celebrates tenth anniversary
Posted by Darla on 14 October in grants
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