United Kingdom has sailed ahead in energy generation wind marina in the past six months, offshore windfarms more than any other country in the world of construction and accounting for almost all the turbines erected in European waters this year.
Offshore turbines 108 built around the coast of Europe from January to June, a whopping 101 were built around the United Kingdom, with only six built in Germany and one single Norway, according to estimates published Wednesday by the European Association of wind energy (EWEA) of the trade body.
Secretary Chris Huhne change, energy and climate, the Guardian said the figures showed how fast it moved United Kingdom in renewable energy. "United Kingdom is the undisputed home to offshore wind power." Our natural resources and competitive advantages mean that we have the largest market in the world. We're blowing the competition, "he said." "It is part of the revolution of low carbon which is underway in the United Kingdom, what employment and growth in new industries and building us a future less exposed to volatile global energy prices".
Wind energy is now one of the most important sectors of the construction in Europe, like the rest of the industry suffered badly during the recession. Wind power is seen as particularly important the turbines can be larger and winds tend to be higher so it can generate power more efficiently, and because in many countries the best places in onshore wind have already been taken or wind developers face opposition in construction of turbines.
However, there is still a gap between the construction of offshore turbines and its connection to the mains, as during the first six months of the year only about two thirds of the number of turbines in United Kingdom were actually connected to the network. In United Kingdom, 68 turbines were connected in the period compared to the 32 turbines, the vast majority of them built before the beginning of this year, which were connected to the German network in the same period.
Due to the difference between the number of turbines built and connected United Kingdom showed less progress should be adding capacity to the network of new generation: 245 megawatts (MW) added so far this year, against 103MW of Germany due to the amount of turbines previously stranded wired now up.
But the scale of the ambitions of the United Kingdom is also the EWEA research: the turbines built this year represent only a fraction of the numbers provided for windfarms that have already begun, and United Kingdom plans now exceed those of other countries. When complete the windfarms started or added to this year, they will be able to provide about 2 240MW of generating capacity in United Kingdom. Instead, its capacity will be only one-fifth of both to 450MW size to complete German farms.
These numbers also not capture windfarms that are planned but not yet under construction, of which there are many more in the United Kingdom. Across Europe, as of June 30, 2011, had 1,247 wind turbines offshore grid completely connected with a total of 3,294 MW capacity in 49 windfarms distributed in nine countries. Although seven turbines were erected in the first six months of 2010 in the same period this year, the turbines you tended to be larger and more powerful, so the amount of installed generation capacity was higher this year.
Christian Kjaer, EWEA Executive Director, said progress had been on wind energy in the first half of the year, but cautioned about the financial problems still facing the sector. "Although we see many positive trends for the European sector offshore wind energy does not Harbor and dry yet," said. "We are emerging from financial crisis, but still faced a possible worsening of the general economic crisis." "The number of banks loans for offshore windfarms is growing, although there is a need to continue to attract one increasing number of large institutional investors for wind energy projects - currently the largest construction companies in Europe."
EWEA found that more banks were now interested in finance offshore windfarms - more than 20 are now involved - and said that it was "positive" that the European Investment Bank continues to provide funds, and that the Government of the United Kingdom is to make wind power a priority for the planned "Green Investment Bank", that is set with a few gifted £ next year.
It is also advancing the technology of wind energy - the only turbine erected in Norway was a floating prototype turbine, which if successful could allow turbines in deeper waters that at present time, opening up new areas for exploitation and allowing turbines will move around if necessary.